Horticulture Hangover: Mosquitoes, Peaches, and "Beaver Poison"

Here’s the May 20 episode of Horticulture Hangover, our live call-in show on Newsradio KLBJ. We talk about how to deal with mosquitoes, making room for poisonous plants in the garden, staking plants in pots, and the radical difference of gardening in Texas vs. California. 

Have a question you want us to answer on the show? Email info@horticulturati.com 

Tune in live and call or text your questions next week at 8-9 am CST on KLBJ's website, or on the airwaves: 99.7 AM and 590 FM. 

Support the Horticulturati on Patreon for early access to shows, bonus content, and our undying gratitude. 


Horticulture Hangover: crabgrass, live oak suckers, and scheming squirrels


Horticulture Hangover: lopsided trees, Meyer lemons, and a native plant bouquet